I like the eyes!
I reached out to the seller with a note asking if it would be possible to get the items sooner than the estimated date. As a micro biz owner myself I know how important it is to communicate and answer any queries. But was disappointed not to hear anything back from this seller. Be it they did arrive earlier, I wasn't to know this, and they were for a custom request, so I couldn't keep my customer in the loop who had a deadline, and in turn this could have reflected poorly on myself. The items themselves are beautiful, however customer service goes hand in hand with the product. And hence the 1 star review for service
I reached out to the seller with a note asking if it would be possible to get the items sooner than the estimated date. As a micro biz owner myself I know how important it is to communicate and answer any queries. But was disappointed not to hear anything back from this seller. Be it they did arrive earlier, I wasn't to know this, and they were for a custom request, so I couldn't keep my customer in the loop who had a deadline, and in turn this could have reflected poorly on myself. The items themselves are beautiful, however customer service goes hand in hand with the product. And hence the 1 star review for service.
Great eyes